Nuclear interaction
- Marcella Grasso
The key ingredient for mean-field calculations in nuclear structure is the effective interaction which models the strong force in the nuclear medium. Such interactions usually depend on a set of parameters fitted to properties nuclei and infinite nuclear matter. These interactions can suffer several limitations and problems. For example, since they are usually adjusted on properties of...
In this talk, I will discuss a recent extension of the Gogny interaction including both finite range spin-orbit and tensor terms. I will present nuclear matter results and finite nuclei ones obtained at the mean-field and beyond levels, in particular spectroscopy in odd nuclei.
Nuclear structure physics endeavors a robust and accurate description of the way an arbitrary number of nucleons self-organizes and gets disorganized in nuclei. To achieve this goal, nuclear physics has entered an era of reformulation of its standard phenomenological models into bona fide effective field theories (EFTs). However, the empirical microscopic model offering the best compromise...
The nuclear charge radius can provide information about the nuclear interactions and the nuclear structure. While global trend of the charge radii is guided by the nuclear bulk properties, its local variation is affected by various nuclear structure effects. Due to recent advances in experimental techniques, new high-precision data on charge radii on various isotopic chains allows testing...