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16–18 oct. 2024
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

All the contributions

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Iryna Chaikovska (IJCLab)
16/10/2024 09:10
Benjamin RIENÄCKER (University of Liverpool)
16/10/2024 09:55
Fahad Alharthi (IJCLab/CNRS), Iryna Chaikovska (IJCLab)
16/10/2024 11:20
Yongke Zhao (CERN)
16/10/2024 11:40
XIAOPING LI (Institute of High Energy Physics, IHEP, Beijing)
16/10/2024 12:00
16/10/2024 14:20
Ailin ZHANG (University of Science and Technology of China), Guoxi PEI (University of Science and Technology of China), Xin XU (University of Science and Technology of China)
16/10/2024 14:40
Riccardo Zennaro (PSI)
16/10/2024 15:20
Laura BANDIERA (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Ferrara)
16/10/2024 16:10
Gianfranco PATERNÒ (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare - Ferrara)
16/10/2024 16:50
Rafi Hessami (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
16/10/2024 17:10
17/10/2024 09:20
Antonio Perillo Marcone (CERN)
17/10/2024 09:40
Leslie JONES (UKRI/SFTC - Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
17/10/2024 10:00
Jean-Louis Grenard (CERN)
17/10/2024 12:00
Gudrid Moortgat-Pick (University of Hamburg / DESY)
17/10/2024 14:00
Sébastien Corde (Ecole Polytechnique, LOA)
18/10/2024 09:00
Carl Lindstrøm (University of Oslo)
18/10/2024 09:40
18/10/2024 11:40
Fahad Alharthi (IJCLab/CNRS)
18/10/2024 12:00
M. Shinnosuke KATO (The University of Tokyo)
18/10/2024 12:20