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AHIPS 2024

200/0-Auditorium - Auditorium P. Lehmann (IJCLab)

200/0-Auditorium - Auditorium P. Lehmann


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/!\ ATTENTION /!\ Due to technical problems in building 200 over the last few days, the conference has been moved to building 100A (Salle des Conseils) on Wednesday 16 and Friday 18 October, and to building 108 (Grande salle) on Thursday 17 October - see the ‘Venue’ page for the location of the buildings on campus. The timetable is updated accordingly.


"Advances in High-Intensity Positron Source Physics and Technologies" (AHIPS-2024) Workshop

Dates: October 16th to 18th, 2024

Location: Laboratoire de Physique des 2 Infinis Irène Joliot-Curie (IJCLab), Paris-Saclay University Campus, Orsay, France


We are pleased to announce the AHIPS-2024 workshop, dedicated to bring together the global accelerator community working on high-intensity positron sources. This workshop aims to facilitate the exchange of experiences in designing, commissioning, operating, and maintaining positron beam facilities, with a special focus on novel techniques and ideas that push beyond the current state-of-the-art.

The workshop will focus on high-intensity positron sources, both polarized and unpolarized, dedicated to current/future linear and circular colliders, as well as applications in hadron physics, antimatter physics, and material science. Key topics will include high-power targets, crucial for conventional positron sources, and the AI-based techniques for designing and optimizing accelerators. Given the rapid growth of AI, the workshop will also explore its potential for globally optimizing positron injector parameters. Additionally, the challenges of producing and accelerating positron beams in the field of Plasma Wakefield Acceleration (PWFA) will be discussed.

The aim of this workshop is to convene experts from various fields of physics and engineering to advance positron source performance as well as to stimulate information sharing on physics and technological challenges. Discussions will cover both fundamental aspects and related technological issues, highlighting key research and development directions needed to overcome current limitations.

This workshop is free of charge and open for registration. In-person attendance is strongly encouraged to facilitate fruitful discussions. 

If you are interested in contributing to this workshop, please contact the organizers. Join us at AHIPS-2024 to advance the field of high-intensity positron sources through collaborative discussion and innovation.


This workshop is supported by the Innovation Fostering in Accelerator Science and Technology (I.FAST) project.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 101004730.


Zoom link :

Registration form
  • Ailin Zhang
  • Andrea Latina
  • Andreas Wagner
  • Angeles Faus Golfe
  • Benjamin Rienacker
  • Fahad Alharthi
  • Frank Zimmermann
  • Fusashi Miyahara
  • Gianfranco Paternò
  • Gianluca Cavoto
  • Gianluca Sarri
  • Gregor Loisch
  • Gudrid Moortgat-Pick
  • Guoxi Pei
  • Hans-Heinrich Braun
  • Iryna Chaikovska
  • jean-louis grenard
  • Joe Grames
  • John Seeman
  • Ken Wada
  • Koji Michishio
  • Laszlo Liszkay
  • Laura BANDIERA
  • Leonid Rivkin
  • Leslie Jones
  • Michal Duda
  • Nicolas Vallis
  • Oleksiy FOMIN
  • Paolo Craievich
  • Rafi Hessami
  • Riccardo Zennaro
  • Robert CHEHAB
  • Sabine Riemann
  • Salim Ogur
  • Sami Habet
  • Sebastien Corde
  • Shinnosuke Kato
  • Silviu Covrig Dusa
  • Steffen Doebert
  • Viacheslav Kubytskyi
  • Viktor Mytrochenko
  • Werner Lauth
  • xin xu
  • Yongke ZHAO
  • Yoshinori Enomoto
  • Yuting Wang
    • Session 3 108/1-XX - Grande Salle 108

      108/1-XX - Grande Salle 108


      Montrer la salle sur la carte
      Président de session: Yoshinori Enomoto (KEK)
    • 10:20
      Coffee break and group photo 108/1-YY - Petite salle 108

      108/1-YY - Petite salle 108


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    • Session 4 108/1-XX - Grande Salle 108

      108/1-XX - Grande Salle 108


      Montrer la salle sur la carte
      Président de session: Riccardo Zennaro (PSI)
      • 21
        SC-solenoid capture in application to FCC-ee positron source
        Orateur: Michał DUDA (PSI)
      • 22
        Flux Concentrator as the matching device for positron sources
        Orateur: Yoshinori Enomoto (KEK)
      • 23
        Development of the capture system for the ILC undulator-driven positron source (pulsed solenoid and plasma lenses)

        Remote presentation

        Orateurs: Gregor Loisch (DESY), Carmen Tenholt (DESY), Grigory Yakopov (DESY)
      • 24
        Positron source System Integration (P3 and FCC-ee)
        Orateur: Jean-Louis Grenard (CERN)
    • 12:20
      Lunch 102/0-XX - Cafeteria 102

      102/0-XX - Cafeteria 102


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    • Session 5 108/1-XX - Grande Salle 108

      108/1-XX - Grande Salle 108


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      Président de session: Frank Zimmermann (CERN)
      • 25
        Why are simultaneously-polarizes e+ and e- beams needed for HEP ?
        Orateur: Gudrid Moortgat-Pick (University of Hamburg / DESY)
      • 26
        Polarized positron source design study at JLab
        Orateur: Sami HABET (SOLEIL)
      • 27
        Injection Optics for 12 GeV High Polarization Positrons at Ce+BAF
        Orateur: Salim Ogur (Jefferson Lab)
    • 15:10
      Coffee break 108/1-YY - Petite salle 108

      108/1-YY - Petite salle 108


      Montrer la salle sur la carte
    • 15:50
      Discussion 108/1-XX - Grande Salle 108

      108/1-XX - Grande Salle 108


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    • 16:35
      Social event: Musée d'Orsay visit and Dinner. Transport by RER to Paris, in order to be at the museum at 18:00 to 18:15 Musée d'Orsay

      Musée d'Orsay

      Esplanade Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, 75007 Paris

      More details in the "Workshop dinner" page

    • Session 6: Part 2 100/0-MXX - Salle des Conseils

      100/0-MXX - Salle des Conseils


      Montrer la salle sur la carte
      Président de session: Benjamin Rienacker (University of Liverpool, UK)
      • 28
        High intensity positron beams from an SC-LINAC for materials research
        Orateur: Andreas WAGNER (HZDR)
      • 29
        Overview, current status and plans for the Slow Positron Facility at KEK together with the slow positron applications
        Orateur: Ken WADA (KEK)
      • 30
        The positron line of the GBAR experiment at CERN
        Orateur: Laszlo LISZKAY (CEA)
      • 31
        Recent progress at the AIST slow positron beam facility

        Remote presentation

        Orateur: Koji MICHISHIO (AIST)
    • 10:20
      Coffee break & group photo 100/0-MXX - Salle des Conseils

      100/0-MXX - Salle des Conseils


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    • Session 7 100/0-MXX - Salle des Conseils

      100/0-MXX - Salle des Conseils


      Montrer la salle sur la carte
      Président de session: Steffen Doebert (CERN)
      • 32
        Positron beams for PWFA. Challenges with positron acceleration in plasmas.
        Orateur: Sébastien Corde (Ecole Polytechnique, LOA)
      • 33
        Laser-driven generation of high-energy positron beams: opportunities and challenges
        Orateur: Gianluca SARRI (Belfast University)
      • 34
        HALHF: A Hybrid, Asymmetric, Linear Higgs Factory
        Orateur: Carl Lindstrøm (University of Oslo)
    • 12:20
      Lunch 102/0-XX - Cafeteria 102

      102/0-XX - Cafeteria 102


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    • Session 8 100/0-MXX - Salle des Conseils

      100/0-MXX - Salle des Conseils


      Montrer la salle sur la carte
      Président de session: Yoshinori Enomoto (KEK)
      • 35
        RF-Track in application to positron sources
        Orateur: Andrea LATINA (CERN)
      • 36
        Positron source modelling and benchmarking studies
        Orateur: Fahad Alharthi (IJCLab/CNRS)
      • 37
        Towards a Practical ML-assisted Injection Tuning Tool at SuperKEKB
        Orateur: M. Shinnosuke KATO (The University of Tokyo)
    • 15:00
      Summary & closing 100/0-MXX - Salle des Conseils

      100/0-MXX - Salle des Conseils


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    • 15:15
      Closing coffee break 100/0-MXX - Salle des Conseils

      100/0-MXX - Salle des Conseils


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