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IMaging-PsychiAtry Challenge: predicting autism

La Paillasse, 226 rue Saint-Denis, 75002 Paris

La Paillasse, 226 rue Saint-Denis, 75002 Paris

La Paillasse 226 rue Saint-Denis 75002 Paris

A data challenge on Autism Spectrum Disorder detection

What is this challenge?

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a severe psychiatric disorder that affects 1 in 166 children.

There is evidence that ASD is reflected in individuals brain networks and anatomy. Yet, it remains unclear how systematic these effects are, and how large is their predictive remain unclear. The large cohort assembled here can bring some answers. Predicting autism from brain imaging will provide biomarkers and shed some light on the mechanisms of the pathology.

Joining the competition

The goal of the competition is to predict the diagnostic status from brain imaging data in the hidden test set. The data of the test set are on a server, hidden from participants. Prediction is done by submitting Python code that will be first trained by the server on training images, and then applied to predict on the hidden test set.


The best performers will be awarded prizes at the end of the competitive period, based on the metrics used during the challenge: 1st - 3000 €, 2nd - 2000 €, 3rd - 1000 €, from 4th to 10th- 500 €.


Please arrive prepared to the workshop:

  1. Install the starting kit from the GitHub page and download the data to your laptop (call `python download_data.py all` to get all time-series data).
  2. Make sure you can execute `ramp_test_submission` and that it runs and displays the scores.
  3. Sign up to the RAMP site and to the event and submit the starting kit.


Challenge website - RAMP starting-kit - RAMP studio platform



  • Alban Bethegnies
  • Alexandre Boucaud
  • Alice OTHMANI
  • Aline De Araujo
  • Anton Mashikhin
  • Arthur Imbert
  • Balázs Kégl
  • Bruno Seznec
  • Claudio Román
  • Dongren Yao
  • Dorra ELABED
  • Edmund Ronald
  • Fayeq Jeelani Syed
  • Ghiles REGUIG
  • Giovanni Leone
  • Gowtham Murugesan
  • Gregory Chatel
  • Guillaume Lemaitre
  • Haiping Lu
  • Issam Benabid
  • Joris Van den Bossche
  • Josselin Houenou
  • Julien Marichez
  • Lennart Bramlage
  • Luis Arias
  • Melanie Garcia
  • Mo YANG
  • Mohan Gupta
  • Nick Halmagyi
  • Nicolas Cordier
  • Nicolas Traut
  • Priyanka Gagneja
  • Roberto Toro
  • romain valabregue
  • sami ouassaidi
  • Sophie Giffard-Roisin
  • Sébastien randoux
  • Varun Karamshetty
  • Wei JIANG
  • Weixiang Liu
    • 9:00 AM 10:00 AM
      Welcome of participants & Coffee 1h
    • 10:00 AM 10:20 AM
      Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorder 20m
      Speaker: Roberto Toro (Institut Pasteur)
    • 10:20 AM 10:40 AM
      Introduction to Rapid Analytics and Model Prototyping platform 20m
      Speaker: Balazs Kegl (Linear Accelerator Laboratory)
    • 10:40 AM 11:10 AM
      Starting-kit 30m
      Speaker: Guillaume Lemaitre (Center for Data Science)
    • 11:10 AM 1:00 PM
      First coding session 1h 50m
    • 1:00 PM 2:00 PM
      Lunch break 1h
    • 2:00 PM 5:00 PM
      Second coding session 3h