9:40 AM
Observations of stellar-mass black holes with LISA
Alexandre Toubiana
10:00 AM
Simulating the parameter recovery of massive binary black holes with LISA
Sylvain Marsat
10:20 AM
Spectral Separation of the Stochastic Gravitation Wave Background In the LISA Band
Guillaume Boileau
(Artemis, Observatoire de la Côte d'Azur, Université de la Côte d'Azur)
10:40 AM
Inference and probabilistic modelling with machine learning for LISA data analysis
Natalia Korsakova
11:05 AM
Sparse data inpainting for the recovery of gapped gravitational waves signals
Aurore Blelly
11:25 AM
PyCBC Live: a realtime search for compact binary mergers in the advanced detector era
(IJCLab - Orsay)
11:45 AM
PySTAMPAS - a long transient GW pipeline
Adrian Macquet
12:05 PM
Neural networks for gravitational-wave trigger selection in single-detector periods