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Oct 26 – 28, 2022
Europe/Paris timezone

Workshop on the LHeC/FCC-eh and PERLE at IJCLab Orsay


The next workshop on the development of energy frontier deep inelastic scattering, i.e. the progress on the LHeC, the ERL facility PERLE at Orsay and the FCC-eh. It will be held in person at IJCLab Orsay near Paris, from Wednesday 26.10. until Friday 28.10.  

Topics to be discussed include ep/eA physics at high energies and its relation to hadron-hadron and e+e- collider physics, also the EIC, news on the design of LHeC and FCCeh including a detector and IR for alternate eh-hh operation, prospects and physics with PERLE, ERL developments and organisational matters.  

The program is under development. New contributions, from young or elder scientists, are encouraged.

Here the link for online participation: 

ID de réunion : 915 6649 8507 
Code secret : 889293  


100/-1-A900 - Auditorium Joliot Curie
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Registration for this event is currently open.