Quantum computing is an emergent field that has natural applications in many-body systems. The aim of the workshop is to give an overview of most recent developments and facilitate the exchange between experts of the fields with applications ranging from atomic nuclei, neutrinos, atomic and condensed matter many-body systems. The objective will be to discuss most recent works and progresses in the treatment of many-body systems with quantum computers and related quantum information aspects. The following topics will be covered:
- Quantum technologies: analogue and digital devices
- Many-particle and interaction encoding
- Quantum algorithms for many-body problems
- Quantum information aspects
- Eigenvalue problem and many-body spectroscopy
- Many-Body dynamics on quantum computers
While a zoom connection will probably be available for the meeting, we strongly encourage the speakers to participate in-person.
The Organizers: Yann Beaujeault-Taudière (IJCLab Orsay), Denis Lacroix (IJCLab Orsay), Francesco Pederiva (Univ. Trento and INFN-TIPFA), Alessandro Roggero (Univ. Trento and INFN-TIPFA), Sofia Vallecorsa (CERN, Geneva)