The workshop will take place in the Amphitheater Joliot-Curie (Building 100) of the IJCLab laboratory. For more information on "how to reach the place", please consult the "Venue" page.
The workshop will start on Tuesday, November 22nd, at 10 am and will end on the 24th at 5 pm.
The workshop will be hybrid with in-person/remote participants. A zoom link will be sent to participants that registered with a remote participation a few days before the start of the workshop.
Lunches in the form of Buffets during the workshop will be offered to all registered in-person participants. The in-person participants are also kindly invited to the two cocktails/dinners on the 22nd and 23rd evenings.
Lunches and cocktails are reserved for registered participants but non-registered scientists/engineers are welcome to join the workshop sessions.