- Valentina Amitrano (UniTN, Italy)
- Baptiste Anselme Martin (Total Energie, France)
- Thomas Ayral (Atos, France)
- Antoine Browaeys (Inst. d'Optique, Orsay, France)
- Joe Carlson (LANL, USA)
- Michael Cervia (Univ of Maryland, USA)
- Giavani Degregorio (INFN-Naples, Italy)
- Pauline Besserve (Atos, France)
- Jose Enrique Garcia Ramos (Univ Huelva, Spain)
- Michele Grossi (CERN)
- Manqoba Q. Hlatshwayo (WMU, USA)
- Marc Illa (UW/IQuS, USA)
- Karl Jansen (DESY, Germany)
- Oriel Kiss (CERN, Switzerland)
- Dean Lee (NSCL-MSU, USA)
- Piero Luchi (UniTN, Italy)
- Antonio Marquez Moreno (Univ of Barcelona)
- Thomas Papenbrock (University of Tennessee / ORNL, USA)
- Jean-Philip Piquemal (Univ. Sorbonne, Paris, France)
- Caroline Robin, (Univ. Bielefeld, Germany)
- Luis Robledo (UAM, Madrid, Spain)
- Ermal Rrapaj (UCBerkeley/LBL/RIKEN)
- Edgar Andres Ruiz Guzman (IJCLab, France)
- Ashutosh Singh (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)
- Nifeeya Singh (Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee)
- Pooja Siwach (Univ. Wisconsin, USA)
- Paul Stevenson (Univ. Surrey, UK)
- Francesco Turro (UW/IQuS)
- Luca Vespucci (UniTN, Italy)
- Erez Zohar (Racah, Israel)
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