Pour vous authentifier, privilégiez eduGAIN / To authenticate, prefer eduGAINeu

2 février 2023
Bat. 210, Université Paris-Saclay
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

The Journée des nouveaux entrants du Pôle Théorie" is the theory division freshman day. The goals of the event is twofold:

  1. Welcome PhD students, Postdocs and new staff scientists by providing a friendly venue where we can first meet and present ourselves;
  2. Provide all the relevant information to the newcomers in terms of administrative, IT and HR operations in CNRS and at the lab/IN2P3.

For the latter, we have identified a few points that will be discussed during this meeting:

  1. HR process for i) hosting internship students, ii) visiting scholar, which will cover how to request ZRR access;
  2. AGATE-tempo - CNRS applications for taking vacations;
  3. (pour les étrangers) Accueil en France: maintenir son statut légal (VISA préfecture), assurances, mutuelle et impôts;
  4. Business travel (with example of the IJCLab intranet request and CNRS simbad portail for booking tickets);
  5. NSIP, Ositah;
  6. Quesaco SSH/certificat RSA/computing stations/login node at IJCLab/gitlab;
  7. CCIN2P3, Ruche and other local cluster facilities;
  8. Good IT practice (backup, zimbra, phishing...);
  9. Walk-through IJCLab intranet services;
  10. Compiler/librairies at IJClab and shared storage services;
  11. CNRS and IN2P3 clouds services.
Commence le
Finit le
Bat. 210, Université Paris-Saclay
Amphithéatre 1
Université Paris-Saclay, 210, Bures-sur-Yvette, France
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L'inscription à cet événement est actuellement ouverte.