The ambitious yet realistic iSAS objectives address the energy consumption and environmental impact of RIs. The most impactful new energy-saving technologies will be developed, validated, and integrated towards industrial solutions with a direct and verifiable impact on current RIs and their upgrades. Moreover, iSAS is the main pathfinder to enable sustainable SRF accelerators for future RIs. In the long term, the impact of iSAS is to reduce the energy footprint of future SRF accelerators in RIs by at least half. Unlocked by the iSAS technologies, these facilities maintain Europe's leading position to enable fundamental science breakthroughs. In particular, the iSAS technologies will have an essential impact on the development of future high-energy particle accelerators that exceed the present frontiers of energy and intensity in an energy-sustainable manner. In parallel, the new sustainable technologies will stimulate the European industry to take a leading role in building cost- and energy-efficient SRF systems for new accelerators with impact in, for example, the semiconductor and medical sectors.
iSAS will develop technologies and integrated solutions that together reduce the power consumption of the SRF system by at least 50%. The design of the new sustainable LINAC cryomodule will also be capable of supporting high-power ERL operation. The focus is on SRF-related systems identified to have the biggest leverage for energy-savings both in the short and long term. The results could impact retrofits and/or upgrade designs for HL-LHC, ESS, and EuXFEL for which iSAS will develop technical solutions. In the long-term, all the iSAS developments are essential for frontier accelerators in the European Strategy for Particle Physics. At the same time, the results are sufficiently generic to be transferable to most future CW/long-pulse SRF facilities, including compact accelerators being considered for industrial, medical, environmental or security applications. The iSAS outcomes are expected to help reshape what is feasible in the future CW SRF accelerator landscape.
The three cross-cutting Integrating Activities pool the know-how across the Technology Areas. iSAS will provide the community with an optimised high-efficiency cryomodule, including the option for high-power ERL operations – a major milestone for frontier particle-physics facilities. The parametric design of this cryomodule serves as a model for other future, high-efficiency CW SRF facilities. In many cases, iSAS involves European industry throughout the project to collaboratively develop solutions, ensuring European industry is established and ready for future system production for RIs. In doing so, iSAS helps the European industry to develop a portfolio of future energy-efficient SRF systems for diverse compact accelerator applications, based, for example, on existing commercial designs such as the ELBE SRF module.
The impact of iSAS can be grouped in short, mid- and long-term benefits. The figures below illustrate the direct impact. For an upgrade of EuXFEL to CW, a refurbishment of the injection LINAC cavities is being considered. This could provide the opportunity to retrofit some iSAS technology developments as well. The figure (top) depicts the expected energy savings if various iSAS developed technologies are implemented (assumption: 0.1 mA beam current), the degree of modifications, but also the benefits, are increasing from left to right. The achievable total energy savings amounts to 66%, more than 6 MW, avoiding 2.9 tons CO2 per hour of operation for Germany’s electrical energy mix (485 g CO2/kWh). Future LINACs can be optimally designed to take full advantage of the iSAS technologies, as integrated in the cryomodule being designed in iSAS. The bottom figure shows that the full savings for a 7.5-GeV LINAC is of the order of 76% (RF + cryogenics cavity cooling). Not included here are the additional potential savings by optimizing the heat load from HOM and FPC couplers – for the Cornell system their load accounts for nearly 4 MW – or any scheme to recover the beam power (750 kW in these examples). Here too, the potential for improved energy efficiency is big. For even larger machines, such as future energy frontier particle physics facilities (e.g., a Higgs Factory), the iSAS technology is absolutely mandatory for them to be feasible since the projected operating power (>150 MW) needs to be reduced dramatically.

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