CNRS , through its IN2P3 institute, will manage and coordinate the ISAS project. With its laboratory IJCLab (IJCLab – Laboratoire de Physique des 2 Infinis Irène Joliot-Curie), CNRS is both building and using particle accelerators. For this reason, the iSAS consortium decided to choose CNRS as the central coordinating institution for a consortium with large European RIs. CNRS has a long experience in managing and coordinating European Projects.
The iSAS project will be led by a scientific coordinator, Prof. Jorgen D’Hondt (VUB), particle physicist and former ECFA president, leader of the ERL Panel in the Accelerator Roadmap of the ESPP and a project coordinator, Prof. Achille Stocchi, particle physicist, director of IJCLab, hosting laboratory of the future ERL facility PERLE@Orsay. The project will benefit from their experience of particle physicists, as academic end-users of iSAS technologies, towards the end goals of iSAS. Given the wide scope of iSAS, the coordinators will work together with two world-class experts in accelerator physics, Dr. Giovanni Bisoffi (INFN) and Prof. Jens Knobloch (HZB), as deputy coordinators. Moreover, their deep knowledge of European landscape of subatomic sciences guarantees an efficient coordination and integration of the project, which relies on major involvement of resources of iSAS partners, required for a successful project. The scientific coordinator, assisted by the Coordination Panel, will pilot the scientific matters of the project, i.e., coordinate the scientific discussions and decision making. The project coordinator will lead the administrative and management matters, ensuring the monitoring of the contract for the whole consortium.
As indicated on the iSAS flow chart, the coordination team will be associated to a Governing Board and an Advisory Board. The representatives of all the partners will constitute the Governing Board, that will be chaired by Prof. Dave Newbold (UKRI). The Advisory Board will be the iSAS window towards international cooperation. Dr. Frederick Bordry (CERN) will chair this board of international experts. The Advisory Board will bring expertise and information external to the project into iSAS through a group of individual experts. Given the rich accelerator landscape in Europe, the Coordination Panel is completed by an External Relations coordinator, Dr. Maud Baylac (IN2P3). This coordinator will liaise with other relevant projects and collaborations such as the I.FAST, LEAPS and TIARA in order to foster synergies and avoid redundancies with existing R&D programs.

To best serve the ambition of iSAS to develop energy-saving technologies in three Technology Areas (TAs) devoted to saving energy from the RF power, the cryogenics and the beam, the R&D is optimally structured in four Technology Work Packages (WP1-4), each impacting one or multiple TAs. In addition, the synergies of the research in each Technology WP are exploited into three Integration Activities and their respective WPs (WP5-7) dedicated to the transversal integration of the iSAS technologies into existing and new RIs, as well as into industrial solutions. An additional WP aims to achieve societal impact of the project (WP8), while the last one is fully dedicated to the Coordination and Management of iSAS (WP9).
The iSAS organisation is overseen by a Coordination Panel, chaired by the Scientific Coordinator. The Coordination Panel expands to a Steering Committee including also all WP coordinators to foster and optimise the cross coordination of the ongoing R&D activities. Decisions are made by a Governing Board with representatives from all, partner and associate partner, institutions. An Advisory Board of international experts connects iSAS to the global accelerator R&D landscape and reports to both the Governing Board and the Coordination Panel.
The chart above shows the various components in the iSAS organisation in relation to each other. In addition, the WP coordinators, the chairs of the Governing Board and the Advisory Board, and the members of the Coordination Panel are named.

Additional information in the attached slides: