9:00 AM
Local authorities welcome talk
Achille Stocchi
9:05 AM
Florent Robinet
(IJCLab - Orsay)
9:10 AM
ET Collaboration Board report
Eugenio Coccia
9:30 AM
ET Collaboration: Executive Board report
Harald Lueck
(Alebert Einstein Institute Hannover)
Michele Punturo
(INFN Perugia)
9:50 AM
EIB short introduction
Achim Stahl
(RWTH Aachen University)
Stefano Bagnasco
(Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Torino)
10:05 AM
OSB short introduction
Ed Porter
Marica Branchesi
10:20 AM
SPB/SCB short introduction
Domenico D'Urso
(University of Sassari and INFN)
Wim Walk
10:35 AM
ISB short introduction
Jan Harms
(Gran Sasso Science Institute)
Stefan Hild
(Masstricht University & Nikhef)
11:10 AM
ETO news and updates
Andreas Freise;Freise
(VU Amsterdam, Nikhef)
Fernando Ferroni
11:30 AM
ET-PP news and updates
Mario Martinez
11:45 AM
ETO Project Office
Alessandro Variola
12:00 PM
ETO Engineering Department
Patrick Werneke
12:15 PM
ETO Communications
Martine Oudenhoven
12:30 PM
CERN vacuum pipe results
Carlo Scarcia
12:45 PM
CERN vacuum pipe planning and perspective
Luigi Scibile