Présidents de session
Session 6: Detector & Machine options: part 1
- Massimiliano Ferro-Luzzi (CERN)
Preliminary ideas and possibilities on the experimental setup (detector and accelerator) for the proposed experiment.
Kay Dewhurst
12/12/2023 11:00
- crystal-2 integration for Hi-Lumi (Wake Field Suppression)
- aperture constraints, beta functions
- spectrometer dipole effects, orbit corrections, maximum acceptable field integral
- absorber requirements/availability
- etc.
Nicola Neri
(University and INFN Milano)
12/12/2023 11:30
o vertex detector layout (stations arrangement)
o a possible Pixel module
o environment, cooling, radiation/fluence damage
o Roman Pot stations
o Tracker behind the magnet, what are the options ?
Elena Dall'Occo
12/12/2023 12:00
o description of project, layout, module, time line
o possible synergies with the EDM/MDM proposed experiment