- Indico style
- Indico style - inline minutes
- Indico style - numbered
- Indico style - numbered + minutes
- Indico Weeks View
ZOOM link for the workshop: https://ijclab.zoom.us/j/99858804845?pwd=UlVCL2hiRzJITjQwcEpGM1hrU3Nwdz09
Physics opportunities in the very forward production in pW fixed-target collisions
Preliminary ideas and possibilities on the experimental setup (detector and accelerator) for the proposed experiment.
o vertex detector layout (stations arrangement)
o a possible Pixel module
o environment, cooling, radiation/fluence damage
o Roman Pot stations
o Tracker behind the magnet, what are the options ?
o description of project, layout, module, time line
o possible synergies with the EDM/MDM proposed experiment
o What could be done on what time scale to produce about 4-5 T m ?
o Preliminary ideas on conceptual design.
o Integration with and impact on machine
o Infrastructural requirements
o Purpose
o Preliminary conceptual design
o Expected performance
o Requirements on tracker precision
o comments on advantages and disadvantages of different setups/technologies
o realism, taking into account timeline
o unknowns that need to be studied
o what strategy ?
o what plots need to be produced ?
o what other information need to be obtained ?