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Dec 10 – 13, 2024
Amphithéâtre Bilski Pasquier
Europe/Paris timezone
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Beta-Delayed Neutron Branching Ratios calculated by proton-neutron QRPA and statistical model

Dec 11, 2024, 4:35 PM
Amphithéâtre Bilski Pasquier

Amphithéâtre Bilski Pasquier

Sorbonne Université - Campus des Cordeliers 15 rue de l'école de médecine, 75006 Paris


Dr Futoshi Minato (Kyushu University)


We recently carried out a systematic calculation for beta decay half-lives within proton-neutron QRPA. Our formalism adopted a Gogny type forces for both isospin T=0 and T=1 pairing channels.
This ensures us a reliable for beta-decay calculations within the QRPA. Delayed-neutron branching ratios are also estimated by a Hauser-Feshbach statistical model with beta-strength functions calculated by the QRPA. We will discuss the results comparing with
those of different models.

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