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Dec 10 – 13, 2024
Amphithéâtre Bilski Pasquier
Europe/Paris timezone
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Nuclear properties for astrophysics: an overview

Dec 12, 2024, 2:25 PM
Amphithéâtre Bilski Pasquier

Amphithéâtre Bilski Pasquier

Sorbonne Université - Campus des Cordeliers 15 rue de l'école de médecine, 75006 Paris


Dr Samuel Giuliani (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)


Nuclear astrophysics aims at describing the nuclear properties occurring in and powering astrophysical objects, as well as the cosmic origin of chemical elements found in the Universe. During this talk, I will present some recent progress and future challenges in the field of nuclear data for astrophysics, with a particular focus on the nucleosynthesis of heavy elements.

Presentation materials