6:15 PM
Probing physics beyond the standard model with IceCube
Sebastian Baur
(Université Libre de Bruxelles)
6:20 PM
Neutrino Physics with the Novel LiquidO Technology
Josh Porter
(APC Paris)
6:25 PM
Neutrino Physics at the JUNO experiment.
Yang Han
(APC Paris)
6:30 PM
Lifetime measurements of excited states in neutron-rich C and O isotopes as a test of the three-body forces
Michal Ciemala
(Institute of Nuclear Physics PAN, Poland)
6:35 PM
Studies on radiation-hardness of CMOS integrated circuits for Phase I and Phase II LHCb Upgrades
Lucian Cojocariu
(IFIN-HH, Bucharest-Romania)
6:40 PM
The Southern Wide field-of-view Gamma-ray Observatory (SWGO)
Ruben Conceição
(LIP - Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física Experimental de Partículas)
6:45 PM
Laser spectroscopy of short-lived radioactive nuclei in the accelerator laboratory in Jyväskylä
Ruben de Groote
(University of Jyvaskyla)
6:50 PM
Tools and environments for complementary activities in astrophysics and particle physics
Caterina Doglioni
(Lund University)
6:55 PM
Radio antennas to detect high-energy Gammas, Neutrinos, Cosmic Rays
Aswathi Balagopal V.
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
7:00 PM
Modeling of AlGaN/GaN High-electron-mobility transistor using gate field-plate technology for high-frequency applications
Mourad Kaddeche
(Département de Technologie, Faculté des Sciences et de la Technologie, Université de Djilali Bounaâma- Khemis miliana, Ain Defla, 44225 Algeria)
7:05 PM
New physics searches in neutron beta decay
Gertrud Konrad
(Stefan Meyer Institute Vienna)
7:10 PM
Unraveling the properties of the quark-gluon plasma
Katarina Krizkova Gajdosova
7:15 PM
Search for ultra-high energy photons with Telescope Array
Mikhail Kuznetsov
7:20 PM
Charge radii of short-lived radionuclides: The physics addressed by novel experimental techniques such as MIRACLS
Stephan Malbrunot-Ettenauer
7:25 PM
Uncertainties in the production of p nuclides in the fast proton induced p - processes
Cristiana Oprea
7:30 PM
Education and Outreach activities on Astroparticle Physics in Romania
Isar P. Gina
(Institute of Space Science, Bucharest)
7:35 PM
Rare event searches with cryogenic detectors - COSINUS, CRESST and NUCLEUS
Florian Reindl
(HEPHY & TU Vienna)
7:40 PM
Cold muonium beam for atomic physics and gravity experiments
Anna Soter
(Paul Scherrer Institute)