International Organising Committee:
- Peter Battaglia, senior scientist at Google Deepmind
- Anja Butter, ITP Heidelberg : generator models and uncertainties in ML for Particle Physics
- Cécile Germain : Emeritus professor (computer science) Université Paris-Saclay, LRI-CNRS, and INRIA TAU team, organiser of the 2014 HiggsML and 2018-2019 TrackML challenge
- Tobias Golling, associate professor at Université de Genève, generative models and anomaly detection for particle physics
- Vladimir Vava Gligorov, CNRS/IN2P3 LPNHE, leader of the LHCb Real Time analysis project, organiser of the Real Time Analysis Institut Pascal Workshop
- Eilam Gross, Weizmann Institute, organiser of the Hammers and Nails 2017 and 2019 workshop
- Michael Kagan, SLAC, co-coordinator of CERN Interexperiment Machine Learning group
- Danilo Rezende, Researcher on Probabilistic Methods for Decision Making, Senior Staff Researcher and Team Lead at Google Deepmind
- David Rousseau, CNRS/IN2P3 IJCLab : former co-coordinator of ATLAS Machine Learning group, co-coordinator of the LHC Interexperiment Machine Learning Group, organiser of the 2014 Higgs Machine Learning challenge, and of the 2018-2019 TrackML challenge
- Andreas Salzburger, CERN, coordinator of the ATLAS software upgrade group, organiser of the 2018-2019 TrackML challenge and organiser of the Advanced Pattern Recognition Institut Pascal Workshop
- Savannah Thais, Princeton, representation learning for Particle Physics, AI and ethics
- Jean-Roch Vlimant, Caltech, co-coordinator of CMS Machine Learning group, organiser of the 2018-2019 TrackML challenge
- Slava Voloshynovskiy, head of Stochastic Information Processing group, Université de Genève
The committee can be contacted through
We'd like to thank our sponsors, in addition to Institut Pascal :
- CDS Paris Saclay
- TrackML
- DataIA
- Recept
- Dark Matter Lab