Practical information on how to come to Institut Pascal can be found in this page.
Week 1 (21/10) - Zhen Cao : "The implications of the discovery of PeVatrons and follow-up investigations"
The colloquium will be given remotely on October 21st at 2pm.
YouTube link :
Week 2 (28/10) - Andreas Haungs : "Perspectives in Astroparticles"
The colloquium will be given at Institut Pascal (and remotely) on October 28th at 2pm.
Week 3 (03/11) - John Ellis : "Searching for ultra light dark matter and gravitational waves with atom interferometers"
The colloquium will be given at Institut Pascal (and remotely) on November 3rd at 2pm.
Week 4 (10/11) - Gianfranco Bertone : "Strategies for European Astroparticles"
The colloquium will be given at Institut Pascal (and remotely) on November 3rd at 2pm.
Week 5 (18/11) - Marica Branchesi : "Multi-messenger astronomy including gravitational waves"
The colloquium will be given at Institut Pascal (and remotely) on November 18th at 2pm.
YouTube link:
Week 6 (25/11) - Werner Hofmann : "The Cherenkov Telescope Array and its Science"
The colloquium will be given remotely on November 25th at 2pm.
Slides : W. Hofmann - Slides