Pour vous authentifier, privilégiez eduGAIN / To authenticate, prefer eduGAINeu

Nov 14 – 17, 2023
Europe/Paris timezone

Payment of the workshop fees

Workshop fees

Full rate: 135 euros
Reduced rate for PhD students and postdocs: 75 euros
Remote participation: free

They cover the cost of lunches and coffee breaks. 
Accommodation is not covered: check our suggestions for hotels in the area.

Procedure to pay the fees (READ THIS CAREFULLY)

The only payment method is through the secure server of the Azur Colloque CNRS website, where payment by credit card is strongly recommended. We will not be able to accept onsite payments.

After your registration on Indico (first mandatory step), you will receive an email regarding the payment of the fees. As of Monday September 04, the Azur Colloque website is open.

Your in-person registration will only be complete after the payment of the fees on the Azur Colloque website. You will receive a confirmation by e-mail at the end of the process.

The payment of the fees on the Azur Colloque website must be done before the registration deadline. Please note that this step requires human validation: take that into account when you pay the fees. Payments after the deadline will be rejected for technical reasons.

Three steps to explain the registration and payment process on the Azur Colloque website (in addition to the initial Indico registration):

  1. Pre-register on Azur Colloque and select your rate (full or reduced). You will receive an automatic confirmation by email.
  2. A few days later, your pre-registration will be validated by the organizers. You will receive another email inviting you to the payment. 
  3. Follow the link received by email to pay the fees.

Please note that :

  • As the online system is rather strict, you need to use the exact same wording at steps 1 and 3: last name, first name and email address for the second time. Including the use of lowercase and uppercase… Otherwise, the payment will be impossible as your details would not match the contents of the Azur Colloque database.
  • The Azur Colloque system asks for arrival and departure dates and time. This is irrelevant, there is no need to change the default value.
  • If you are affiliated with a French institution, it is mandatory to select "bank transfer" when you pay the fees. You will receive by email a document with the information for the order form (aka “bon de commande”) to validate your payment .
  • If you are not affiliated to a French institution, it is mandatory to select "credit card".Make sure you complete your payment attempt the first time and follow carefully all the steps. If you close the window before the end or hit the backward button on your browser, a problem may occur.
  • If you encounter one such “technical” problem with the payment process and cannot terminate the transaction using your credit card, send an email to the organizers. We will help you to fix the issue.