For two and a half days in May, there will be the Pheniics Doctoral School Days. These days are made for us to talk about our PhD topics and discover other fields of PHENIICS, within a friendly spirit. This event will take place at the LAL auditorium (building 200, Orsay campus), from Monday May 9th at 2pm to Wednesday May 11th at 6pm.
There will be oral presentations and poster sessions, and all of us have the opportunity to contribute to these days, as follows :
Reminder : the role of a chairman is to introduce each talk of the session, to verify that the speaker does not exceed the 12 minutes and to lead the question time.
Once you are registered, submit an abstract in english - 10 to 20 lines - of your contribution (regardless of the kind of participation, talk or poster). You must create an indico account to do so and please, be sure to use your institute email address.
Note that every written media must be in english (slides/posters), but the oral presentation can be done in french or in english. Please send the abstract before March 31st ! If you have any question, feel free to ask !
Chairperson: Martina MACHET
Chairperson: Anthony BONFRATE
Chairperson: Pierre LAURENT
Chairpersons: Raphaël BRISELET and Kseniia REZYNKINA
Chairpersons: Jean-Baptiste DURRIVE and Clément MARTINACHE
Chairperson: Antoine BERGAMASCHI
Chairperson: Loic VERDIER
This experiment uses as detectors scintillating bolometers. They are made of scintillating crystals of ZnMoO4 and Li2MoO4 (including enriched 100Mo) produced in NIIC (Novosibirsk), NTD Ge thermistors previously characterized in their resistivity- temperature and voltage-current behavior, NTD Ge and light detectors working in the range 10-20 mK.
Some R&D tests are ongoing at the Underground Laboratory of Modane. In this poster, I will present first results coming from a big enriched Li2MoO4 crystal and a detector decoupling system obtained in the EDELWEISS set-up with the aim to get better noise conditions. This configuration is a possible prototype for a suspension system for the LUCINEU project.
Looking at these results, it is clear that Li2MoO4 crystals are very promising candidates for double beta decay researches.
Chairperson: Noël MARTIN
Chairperson: Noël MARTIN