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Higgs Hunting 2017

Auditorium P.Lehmann & G.Charpak (LAL Orsay & LPNHE Paris)

Auditorium P.Lehmann & G.Charpak

LAL Orsay & LPNHE Paris


All the speakers are supposed to upload their transparencies. To get the password for uploading, contact the secretariat or one of the organizers.

The recordings of the talks at the workshop can be found in 


    • Registration with coffee and croissants Building 200 & cafétéria (LAL Orsay)

      Building 200 & cafétéria

      LAL Orsay

    • Chair: A.Gritsan (JHU) Auditorium P.Lehmann (LAL Orsay)

      Auditorium P.Lehmann

      LAL Orsay

    • 12:05 PM
      Lunch CESFO (LAL Orsay)


      LAL Orsay

    • Chair: D.Charlton (Birmingham) Auditorium P.Lehmann (LAL Orsay )

      Auditorium P.Lehmann

      LAL Orsay

      • 4
        Young scientist forum part 1 (4 talks)
        • a) Higher order corrections to Higgs processes
          Speakers: Deutschmann, N.Deutschmann (IPN Lyon, Louvain)
        • b) Probing Two Higgs Doublet Models with Higgs Precision Measurements
          Speakers: F.Queiroz (MPI Heidelberg), Queiroz
        • c) Search for new scalars in decays of a heavy Higgs into light Higgs bosons
          Speakers: M.Vazquez (LPT Orsay), Vazquez
        • d) SM Higgs boson to a pair of tau leptons with the CMS LHC Run II data
          Speaker: Y.Wen (DESY)
      • 5
        CMS ATLAS H(125) fermion decays results
    • 4:00 PM
      Coffee break Cafétéria (LAL Orsay )


      LAL Orsay

    • Chair: G.Tonelli (Pisa) 200/0-Auditorium - Auditorium P. Lehmann (IJCLab)

      200/0-Auditorium - Auditorium P. Lehmann


      Show room on map
      • 6
        Exclusive (H->J/psi gamma,...) and rare decays
        Speaker: K.Nikolopoulos (Birmingham)
      • 7
        Exotic H(125) decays theory
        Speaker: A.Katz (CERN)
      • 8
        Young Scientist Forum part 2 (2 talks)
      • 9
        Spontaneous symmetry breaking in particle physics and the prehistory of Higgs mechanism
        Speaker: G.Jona-Lasinio (Roma)
    • 7:10 PM
      Welcome drink Cafétéria (LAL Orsay)


      LAL Orsay

    • Chair: S.Heinemeyer (IFT Madrid) Auditorium G.Charpak (Paris)

      Auditorium G.Charpak


      • 10
        Beyond 2017 SM Auditorium G.Charpak

        Auditorium G.Charpak


        Speaker: K.Benakli (LPTHE Paris)
      • 11
        ATLAS CMS BSM Auditorium G.Charpak

        Auditorium G.Charpak


    • 10:30 AM
      Coffee break
    • Chair: P.Meridiani (Roma) Auditorium G.Charpak (Paris)

      Auditorium G.Charpak


    • 12:35 PM
    • Chair: R.Salerno (LLR Palaiseau) Auditorium G.Charpak (Paris)

      Auditorium G.Charpak


    • 3:20 PM
      Coffee break
    • Chair: N.Berger (LAPP Annecy) Auditorium G.Charpak (LPNHE)

      Auditorium G.Charpak


      • 15
        Theory review of H properties and couplings (including EFT)
        Speaker: V.Sanz (University of Sussex)
      • 16
        Young Scientist Forum part 3 (4 talks)
        • a) Extended composite Higgs models
          Speaker: M.Chala (Valencia)
        • b) Search for SM VH -> bb with the ATLAS detector
          Speaker: A.Bell (University of London)
        • c) Search with CMS for the Higgs boson produced in association with a Z or W boson in the leptonic+beauty final state
          Speaker: Perrin
        • d) Heavy flavour results with impact on the charged Higgs sector
          Speaker: V.Renaudin (LAL)
      • 17
        MC tools and NLO Monte-Carlos
        Speaker: K.Hamilton (UC London)
      • 18
        Lepton universality violation in B decays
        Speaker: B.Grinstein (UC San Diego)
    • 7:00 PM
      Wine and cheese buffet Salle panoramique - Paris

      Salle panoramique - Paris

    • Chair: L.Roos (LPNHE Paris) Auditorium G.Charpak (Paris)

      Auditorium G.Charpak


      • 19
        Theory improvements for run 2 and beyond
        Speaker: M.Grazzini (Zurich)
      • 20
        Status of the Electroweak Fit after the first Run of the LHC
        Speaker: M.Schott (Mainz)
      • 21
        Young scientist forum part 4 (2 talks)
        • a) Search of lepton flavour violating Higgs decays with CMS
          Speaker: F.Meng (Univ.of Notre Dame)
        • b) Charge mis-identification determination in the 2 leptons same sign channel of ttH->leptons and combination of all ttH->leptons channels with ATLAS
          Speaker: A.Chomont (LPC Clermont-Ferrand)
    • 10:45 AM
      Coffee break
    • Chair: A.Lucotte (LPSC Grenoble) Auditorium G.Charpak (Paris)

      Auditorium G.Charpak


      • 22
        Higgs and Neutral Naturalness
        Speaker: R.Harnik (Fermilab)
      • 23
        Young Scientist Forum Part 5 (3 talks)
        • a) Constraining the top-Higgs sector indirectly
          Speaker: J. de Vries (Nikhef)
        • b) Searches for H->bb and H->cc at LHCb
          Speaker: E.Michielin (Padova)
        • c) Search for VBF production of the Higgs boson and a photon decaying to b-quarks with the ATLAS detector
          Speaker: L.Shi (Academia Sinica)
    • 12:35 PM
    • Chair: S.Gascon-Shotkin (IPN Lyon) Auditorium G.Charpak (Paris)

      Auditorium G.Charpak


    • 4:10 PM
      End and coffee