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AugerPrime SDEU F2F Meeting

100/0-A015 - Salle A015 (IJCLab)

100/0-A015 - Salle A015


Montrer la salle sur la carte
Martin Schimassek, Tiina Suomijärvi

We invite you to a face-to-face meeting on the  SDEU commissioning in Orsay, France.

Lunches will be organized for Tuesday and Wednesday. Please, indicate in the registration if you plan to join for these, they are free of charge.

For instructions on how to reach the laboratory, see https://www.ijclab.in2p3.fr/en/ijclab/practical-information/

The meeting will be held in the Building 100, Room A015, map.

The zoom link for remote participation is: https://ijclab.zoom.us/j/97410289994

The dinner on Tuesday will be at Le Petit Cervantes 36, rue des Cinq Diamants, 75013 Paris (Butte aux Cailles).

  • Adèle CROCHET
  • Antonella Castellina
  • Daniele Martello
  • Darko Veberic
  • David Nitz
  • David Schmidt
  • Ingo Allekotte
  • Ioana Maris
  • Jannis Pawlowsky
  • Julian Rautenberg
  • Katarína Simkova
  • Kevin Almeida Cheminant
  • Khoa Nguyen
  • Markus Roth
  • Patrick STASSI
  • Paul Filip
  • Ricardo Sato
  • Tiina Suomijärvi
  • +4