H2O+ plays a role in the ion chemistry of the lower atmosphere and acts as a nucleation center [1]. In this contribution we present new results concerning (H2O-X)+ complexes, with X = Ar, CO2 , N2 , N2O or H2O. These cationic complexes are produced using a supersonic expansion and an electron beam. Photo-fragmentation spectroscopy is performed with an OPO laser in the near-IR (1000-2100 nm) and by monitoring the signal of H2O+ fragments as a function of the laser wavelength. New vibrational bands are reported. The results concerning (H2O-Ar)+ will be compared with previous results obtained in the literature [2]. Tentative assignment of the observed bands will be performed by a careful comparison between the different complexes. Finally, we present the status of our efforts in the production of very large ionic clusters, with pure (Ar)n+ and mixed clusters (H2Om-Arn)+ containing up to thousands of units.
[1]: Shuman, N. S., Hunton, D. E., & Viggiano, A. A. (2015), Chemical reviews, 115(10), 4542-4570.
[2]: Wagner, J. P., McDonald, D. C., & Duncan, M. A. (2017), The Journal of chemical physics, 147(10), 104302.
Affiliation de l'auteur principal | Institute of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences (ICMN), UC Louvain, 1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium |