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3–7 juil. 2023
Cité des sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Viscous flows on curved surfaces

6 juil. 2023, 09:30
Salle Violette Brisson

Salle Violette Brisson

Contribution orale MC24 Bicentenaire des équations de Navier-Stokes Mini-colloques: MC24 Bicentenaire des équations de Navier-Stokes


Stéphane Guillet (Laboratoire de Physique de l'ENS de Lyon)


Thin-film flows in curved geometries are not exceptional in nature, they are the norm. They playing a key role in phenomena ranging from geophysical to embryonic flows, to everyday occurrences like bubbles bursting and cake frosting.
However, our understanding of viscous flows in curved spaces is largely limited to homogeneous shapes such as spheres and cylinders.
In this letter, we investigate the impact of curvature heterogeneities on viscous flows using model microfluidic experiments.
We demonstrate that anisotropic curvature fluctuations result in long-ranged flow distortions, while isotropic bumps lead to exponentially localized dipolar flows.
By combining electrostatic analogy, analytical theory, and numerical simulations, we establish the robustness of our experimental findings and explain the generic features of flow perturbations caused by curvature heterogeneities.

Affiliation de l'auteur principal ENSL, CNRS, Laboratoire de physique, Université de Lyon, F-69342 Lyon, France

Auteur principal

Stéphane Guillet (Laboratoire de Physique de l'ENS de Lyon)


Dr Benjamin Guiselin Mlle Mariem Boughzala M. Vassili Dessages Prof. Denis Bartolo

Documents de présentation