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3–7 juil. 2023
Cité des sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

Pulsed production of antihydrogen at AEgIS for gravity measurements

5 juil. 2023, 10:00
Salle Violette Brisson

Salle Violette Brisson

Contribution orale MC6 La gravitation et l'antimatière Mini-colloques: MC06 La gravitation et l'antimatière


Antoine Camper


The AEgIS experiment is an international collaboration based at CERN aiming at measuring the free fall of antihydrogen in the Earth’s gravitational field. To this end, AEgIS makes use of a charge exchange reaction where a cold antiproton plasma stored in a Pennning trap is exposed to a pulsed cloud of positronium atoms prepared in highly excited Rydberg states. Positronium (the bound state of an electron and a positron) is transferred to Rydberg states by two-photon resonant laser excitation which strongly enhances the probability to transfer a positron from positronium to the antiproton and form antihydrogen.
With this scheme, AEgIS recently demonstrated the first pulsed production of antihydrogen with an uncertainty of 250ns in the production time. This achievement is a milestone on the AEgIS roadmap towards measuring gravity on antihydrogen which is based on the use of an antiatomic deflectometer. In this scheme, a pair of transmissive gratings selects atoms with a well-defined velocity component in the plane orthogonal to the direction of the gravitational pull. The deflection of the fringe pattern created by the deflectometer is proportional to the gravitational pull and to the square of the time-of-flight of the atoms.
AEgIS is now focusing on increasing the antihydrogen production yield. A record high 50% antiproton trapping efficiency was demonstrated with the newly commissioned ELENA (Extremely Low ENergy Antiproton) decelerator. In addition to this development, a new geometry for the charge exchange reaction avoiding the self-ionization of high Rydberg states by motional Stark effect in a strong magnetic field has been designed as well as many other improvements over the recent long shutdown period without antiproton beamtime. Among others, the production trap electrodes have been upgraded to reach colder antiproton plasmas temperature and the laser path has been redesigned to avoid depositing energy and desorb gas from the trap’s wall in the production trap area.
We will present the AEgIS experiment and report on recent achievements as well as future plans to measure the free fall of antihydrogen at AEgIS.

Affiliation de l'auteur principal University of Oslo

Auteur principal

Antoine Camper


Ruggero Caravita (TIFPA/INFN Trento and University of Trento) Lisa Gloggler Natali Gusakova (CERN and NTNU) Fredrik Gustafsson (CERN) Saiva Huck (CERN and Universität Hamburg) Valts Krumins (CERN and University of Latvia) Sebastiano Mariazzi (TIFPA/INFN Trento and University of Trento) Jan Malamant (University of Oslo and CERN) Luca Penasa (TIFPA/INFN Trento and University of Trento) Benjamin Rienaecker (CERN and University of Liverpool) Marco Volponi (TIFPA/INFN Trento and University of Trento and CERN) Tim Wolz (CERN) Marcis Auzins (University of Latvia) Benedikt Bergmann (Czech Technical University in Prague) Peter Burian (Czech Technical University in Prague) Roberto Sennen Brusa (TIFPA/INFN Trento and University of Trento) Fabrizio Castelli (INFN Milano and University of Milano) Roman Ciurylo (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun) Giovanni Consolati (INFN Milano and Politecnico di Milano) Michael Doser (CERN) Aaron Farricker (University of Liverpool) Lukasz Graczykowski (Warsaw University of Technology) Malgorzata Grosbart (CERN) Francesco Guatieri (TIFPA/INFN Trento and University of Trento) Stefan Haider (CERN) Malgorzata Janik (Warsaw University of Technology) Grzegorz Kasprowicz (Warsaw University of Technology) Gunn Khatri (CERN) Lukasz Klosowski (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun) Georgy Kornakov (Warsaw University of Technology) Lidia Lappo (Warsaw University of Technology) Adam Linek (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun) Chloé Malbrunot (CERN and Austrian Academy of Sciences) Lilian Nowak (CERN) Dorota Nowicka (Warsaw University of Technology) Emanuel Oswald (CERN) Vojtech Petracek (Czech Technical University in Prague) Mariusz Piwinski (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun) Stanislav Pospisil (Czech Technical University in Prague) Luca Povolo (TIFPA/INFN Trento and University of Trento) Francesco Prelz (INFN Milano) Volodymyr Rodin (University of Liverpool) Ole Rohne (University of Oslo) Heidi Sandaker (University of Oslo) Petr Smolyanskiy (Czech Technical University in Prague) Tomasz Sowinski (Polish Academy of Sciences) Dariusz Tefelski (Warsaw University of Technology) Carsten Welsch (University of Liverpool) Michal Zawada (Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun) Jakub Zielinski (Warsaw University of Technology) Nicola Zurlo (INFN Pavia and University of Brescia)

Documents de présentation