Exciton-polariton are bosonic quasi-particles that arise from the strong coupling between light and matter. They are typically formed in a quantum well embedded in an optical microcavity, from the interaction between quantum well excitons and cavity photons. Under non-resonant pumping, it is shown that exciton-polariton can form a Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) [1]. This out of equilibrium BEC is sustained in a stationary state by the competition between continuous laser driving and losses coming from the leakage of cavity photons. Recent studies focused on the coherence properties of such driven-dissipative condensates and established connections with the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class [2]. In particular, it is now known that the variance of the phase of one-dimensional polariton condensates follows the KPZ scaling in space and in time [3]. Chemical potential corrections are extensively studied for equilibrium BECs [4]. However, a description of these corrections is still lacking in driven-dissipative condensates. In the defect-free KPZ phase [5] of a 1D polariton BEC, we investigate the blueshift stochastic fluctuations, analogue of beyond mean field chemical potential corrections.
[1] Kasprzak J., Richard M., Kundermann S. et al. Nature 433 (2006)
[2] Altman E., Sieberer L.M., Chen L., et al. PRX 5 (2015).
[3] Fontaine Q., Squizzato D., Baboux F. et al. Nature 608 (2022).
[4] Lee T. D., Huang K., Yang C. N. Physical Review 106 (1957).
[5] He L., Sieberer L. M., Diehl S PRL 118 (2017).
Affiliation de l'auteur principal | LPMMC |