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Jul 3 – 7, 2023
Cité des sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris
Europe/Paris timezone

Two-photon optical shielding of collisions between ultracold polar molecules

Jul 4, 2023, 9:21 AM
Salle Violette Brisson

Salle Violette Brisson

Contribution orale MC5 Physico-chimie des environnements atomiques et moléculaires froids et ultra froids Mini-colloques: MC05 Physico-chimie des environnements atomiques et moléculaires froids et ultra froids


Maxence LEPERS (CNRS/Laboratoire ICB)


We propose a method to engineer repulsive long-range interactions between ultracold ground-state molecules using optical fields, thus preventing short-range collisional losses. It maps the microwave coupling recently used for collisional shielding onto a two-photon transition, and takes advantage of optical control techniques. In contrast to one-photon optical shielding [Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 153202 (2020)], this scheme avoids heating of the molecular gas due to photon scattering. The proposed protocol, exemplified for 23Na39K, should be applicable to a large class of polar diatomic molecules.

Affiliation de l'auteur principal CNRS/Laboratoire ICB

Primary author

Maxence LEPERS (CNRS/Laboratoire ICB)

Presentation materials