The Journée des nouveaux entrants du Pôle Théorie" is the theory division freshman day. The goals of the event is twofold:
For the latter, we have identified a few points that will be discussed during this meeting:
The problem of negative NLO cross sections of heavy quarkonium production at high collision energies is considered[1]. It arises due to unphysical behaviour of the high partonic energy asymptotics of NLO partonic coefficient function in collinear factorisation, which can be cured via matching of the NLO calculation with Leading-Logarithmic resummation of partonic center-of-mass energy logarithms. The latter resummation is done using the formalism of High Energy Factorisation.
[1] J.P. Lansberg, M. Nefedov and M.A. Ozcelik, Matching next-to-leading-order and high-energy-resummed calculations of heavy-quarkonium-hadroproduction cross sections JHEP 05, 083 (2022) doi:10.1007/JHEP05(2022)083 [arXiv:2112.06789 [hep-ph]].
During this brief talk, I will outline my trajectory so far, from my hometown of Logroño, to my PhD in Mainz, and I might even take the chance to discuss my hobbies.
Focusing on the present, during my postdoc in Orsay I study charmonium states and their properties via Lattice QCD simulations. My work is divided in two projects, both with my supervisor in Orsay, Benoît Blossier. For the first one, we are interested in computing the decay width of the charmonium state $\psi(3770)$ employing an alternative technique to the mainstream Lüscher analysis. For the second, we work on the so-called pseudo-distribution amplitudes approach to study the structure of the $\eta_c$ and $J/\psi$ states.
Les points suivants seront couverts:
1- la procédure d'accueil de stagiaire, ZRR;
3- (pour les étrangers) accueil en France: maintenir son statut légal (VISA préfecture), assurances, mutuelle et impôts;
4- missions (exemple sur l'intranet et le portail simbad);
5- NSIP, Ositah;
6- etc...
Les points suivants seront couverts:
1- quesaco SSH/certificat RSA/serveur calculs/serveur de connexion/gitlab;
2- CCIN2P3;
3- bonnes pratiques au labo (sauvegarde, zimbra, phishing...);
4- intranet informatique;
5- compilateur/librairies
6- CNRS and IN2P3 clouds;
7- etc...
We develop state-of-the-art theoretical methods in nuclear structure and reactions, nuclear astrophysics and dynamics. Our group specializes in many-body theories (from nuclear density functional to ab initio methods coupled to effective field theory) and related numerical and formal techniques. We are particularly fond of interdisciplinary connections and emerging technologies, e.g. ultra-cold gases of bosonic or fermionic atoms, machine learning technologies and quantum computing. At the same time, we work in close connection with IJClab experimentalists, particularly on the microscopic interpretation and prediction of nuclear physics data.