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Innovate for Sustainable Accelerating Systems: Kick-Off Meeting

100/-1-A900 - Auditorium Joliot Curie (IJCLab)

100/-1-A900 - Auditorium Joliot Curie


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The iSAS Kick-Off Meeting will be the inauguration of the European project called "iSAS" that gathers a consortium of 17 partners from 8 countries. The objective of iSAS is to Innovate for Sustainable Accelerator Systems, which means to innovate on technologies being a common core of SRF accelerating systems and having the largest leverage for energy savings in all phases of operation of particle accelerators. 

The iSAS Kick-Off Meeting will take place at IJCLab, building 100A, in the auditorium Joliot-Curie (first basement level, direct access from the parking).

The plenary sessions on Monday April 15 are open for everybody to participate using this ZOOM link.

ATTENTION: on April 16, iSAS WP3 members are invited to join the 4K cavities meeting at the IFAST location.
Other WP members will meet at IJCLab in individual meeting rooms.

Le Kick-Off Meeting d’iSAS sera l’inauguration du projet européen « iSAS » qui rassemble un consortium de 17 partenaires de 8 pays. L’objectif d’iSAS est d’innover pour des systèmes d’accélération durables, ce qui signifie innover sur des technologies qui constituent un noyau commun des systèmes d’accélération SRF et ayant le plus grand levier d’économies d’énergie dans toutes les phases de fonctionnement des accélérateurs de particules. 

iSAS website




Funded by the European Union

  • A. Egon Cholakian
  • Abbas Kenan Ciftci
  • Achille Stocchi
  • Adèle De Valera
  • Akira Miyazaki
  • Alex Bogacz
  • Alex Fomin
  • Andre Frahm
  • Andrea Bellandi
  • Andris Ratkus
  • Andriy Ushakov
  • Arnaud Lucotte
  • Arnaud Madur
  • Caterina Bloise
  • Claire ANTOINE
  • Cristian Pira
  • David d'Enterria
  • David Newbold
  • Elias Metral
  • Fahad Alharthi
  • Frederick Bordry
  • George Neil
  • Giorgio Keppel
  • Giovanni Bisoffi
  • Graeme Burt
  • Guillaume Olry
  • Holger Schlarb
  • Huimin gassot
  • jean LE SCORNET
  • Jens Knobloch
  • Jie Gao
  • Jim Clarke
  • Jiyuan Zhai
  • Jorgen D'HONDT
  • Juan Luis Munoz
  • Julie Gendron-Brundu
  • Julien Branlard
  • Karin Canderan
  • Ketel TURZO
  • Marc Wenskat
  • Marco Gorini
  • Maria De Los Angeles FAUS-GOLFE
  • Maria Vittoria Garzelli
  • Masakazu Yoshioka
  • Maud BAYLAC
  • Maxim Titov
  • Mohammed FOUAIDY
  • Nathalie CHEREL
  • Nuno ELIAS
  • Oliver Kugeler
  • Oscar Azzolini
  • Pablo Echevarria Fernandez
  • Peng Sha
  • Peter Williams
  • Raphaël Roux
  • Rena Ciftci
  • Reza Valizadeh
  • Rong Xiang
  • Sandry Wallon
  • Sergii Fomin
  • Song Jin
  • Tomas Junquera
  • Vittorio Parma
  • Véronique Poux
  • Walid Kaabi
  • Wolfgang Müller
  • Yannis Papaphilippou
  • yue sun
  • +26