Higgs Hunting 2024

200/0-Auditorium - Auditorium P. Lehmann (IJCLab)

200/0-Auditorium - Auditorium P. Lehmann


IJCLab Orsay (Monday) & APC Paris (Tuesday & Wednesday)
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The origin of Electroweak symmetry breaking is one of the central topics of research in fundamental physics. The discovery of a Higgs boson at CERN on July 4th, 2012, following a hunt that spanned several decades and multiple colliders, changed the landscape of these investigations and provided key evidence for the Brout-Englert-Higgs mechanism of mass generation through the spontaneous breaking of Electroweak symmetry.

More than ten years later, the hunt goes on several fronts, in particular for:

  • New physics through precision studies of the properties of the Higgs boson : in particular its mass, spin and couplings to other Standard Model particles.
  • New production and decay modes, in particular in processes involving multiple Higgs bosons which provide key insight into the shape of the Higgs potential.
  • New Higgs-like states and signals for physics beyond the Standard Model.

The 14th workshop of the « Higgs Hunting » series organized on September 23-25 2024 will present an overview of these topics, focusing in particular on new developments in the LHC Run-2 analyses, detailed studies of Higgs boson properties and possible deviations from Standard Model predictions. Highlights will also include a first look at LHC Run-3 analyses, prospects from studies at future colliders, and recent theoretical developments.

The workshop will be held in person in Orsay, for the first day, and Paris, for the two following days, to continue the Higgs Hunting tradition of lively discussions during and after the sessions. Remote participation will also be made possible for those unable to attend in person. No registration fees are asked for remote participation.

Zoom link:  https://ijclab.zoom.us/j/94890955802 

Robert Aymar passed away on September 23 rd 2024. The Higgs Hunting Community would like to pay tribute to a visionary leader whose impact on high-energy physics has been profound. As CERN's Director-General from 2004 to 2008, he oversaw the final stages of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) construction, a monumental project that paved the way for the discovery of the higgs boson in 2012. His dedication to advancing science, fostering international collaboration, and pushing the boundaries of human knoledge will continue to inspire generations of physicists.

We honor his memory and his contributions to our field and express our deepest condolences to his family.

Peter Higgs passed away on April 8th 2024. In the 1960s, Peter Higgs, and others, proposed that spontaneous symmetry breaking could provide masses for the mediators of the weak interactions, the W and Z bosons. One major prediction of this idea is the existence of a new particle, now called the Higgs boson, which was finally discovered at CERN in 2012. We now know that the Higgs field is most probably at the origin of the masses of all elementary particles. The three papers written by Peter Higgs between 1964 and 1966 are part of the foundations of the Standard Model and among the most influential ones in particle physics and beyond.

The Higgs Hunting workshop, which owes its name to Peter Higgs, expresses its deepest condolences to his family.

Ulrich EllwangerUlrich Ellwanger passed away on August 7th 2024. He was emeritus professor at Paris-Saclay , a frequent
participant to the Higgs Hunting workshop , and one of the best experts of extensions of the Higgs sector, 
in particular the NMSSM.

The Higgs Hunting workshop expresses its deepest condolences to his family.

Registration deadline: September 2nd, 2024

  • Aashaq Shah
  • Abhishek Rajak
  • Adinda de Wit
  • Agni Bethani
  • Ahmed Mohamed
  • Ajjath Abdul Hameed
  • Alessandra Cappati
  • Aliaksei Kachanovich
  • Amit Adhikary
  • Andrew Akeroyd
  • Andrew Gilbert
  • Anja Butter
  • Anne-Catherine Le Bihan
  • Antoine Long
  • Anupam Ghosh
  • Arantxa Ruiz Martinez
  • Arthur Lafarge
  • Arthur Schaffer
  • Avinanda Chaudhuri
  • Benjamin Massoteau
  • Bertrand Georgeot
  • Bibhushan Shakya
  • Bruno Alves
  • Bryan Webber
  • Carlo Enrico Pandini
  • Chen Zhou
  • Christelle Roy
  • Christian Schwanenberger
  • Christophe Grojean
  • Christophe Kopper
  • Christophe Ochando
  • Claudia Escuillé
  • David d'Enterria
  • Diwani Sapkota
  • Djamel Boumediene
  • Efe Yazgan
  • Elise Jourd'huy
  • Emanuele Di Marco
  • Enrique Valiente Moreno
  • Erich Varnes
  • Fabio Iemmi
  • Federica Devoto
  • Federico Buccioni
  • Federico De Guio
  • Firdaus Soberi
  • Florian Beaudette
  • Florian Haslbeck
  • Florian NORTIER
  • Francois Vannucci
  • François Richard
  • Gamze Sokmen Sahin
  • George Iakovidis
  • Giovanni Marchiori
  • Giovanni Petrucciani
  • Gourab Saha
  • Gregorio Bernardi
  • Grigoria Stavropoulou
  • Grégory Moreau
  • guoxing wang
  • Huacheng Cai
  • Ines Combes
  • Jaouad El Falaki
  • Jean-Pierre DIDELEZ
  • Jie XIAO
  • Johann Collot
  • John Gargalionis
  • Julie Malcles
  • Jérémie Quevillon
  • Kazuki Kojima
  • Keisho Hidaka
  • Kerstin Tackmann
  • Khuram Tariq
  • Kirill Melnikov
  • Konstantinos Nikolopoulos
  • Laboni Manna
  • Lakshmi Pramod
  • Lance Dixon
  • Lata PANWAR
  • Lei Zhang
  • Louis D'Eramo
  • Louis Fayard
  • Louis Portales
  • Luca Cadamuro
  • Lydia Iconomidou-Fayard
  • Manuel Gutsche
  • Marion Missio
  • Marion Thomas
  • Marios Petropoulos
  • Marko Mihovilovic
  • Martina Manoni
  • Matteo Cacciari
  • Maxime Fernoux
  • Maxime Gouzevitch
  • Michele Frigerio
  • Musfar Muhamed Kozhikkal
  • Nico Härringer
  • Nicolas Berger
  • nosrat jafari
  • Olcyr Sumensari
  • Oleksii Kurdysh
  • Oliver Bruning
  • Osama Karkout
  • Paolo Francavilla
  • Patricia McBride
  • Pierre Fayet
  • Poulami Mondal
  • Rafiqul Rahaman
  • Ramona Gröber
  • Reina Camacho Toro
  • Reisaburo Tanaka
  • Rituparna Ghosh
  • Rosy Nikolaidou
  • Rouzbeh Rouzbehi
  • Ruth Amella Ranz
  • Sam Van Stroud
  • Samuel Baxter
  • Sandra Kortner
  • Shafeeq Rahman Thottoli
  • Shahzaib Abbas
  • Simone Tentori
  • Stefano Manzoni
  • Stephen Jones
  • Sven Heinemeyer
  • Swagata Ghosh
  • Tania Robens
  • Tao Hsu
  • Tatsuya Masubuchi
  • Tevong You
  • Thierry Dauxois
  • Thiziri AMEZZA
  • Thomas Stone
  • Thomas STREBLER
  • Théo Cuisset
  • Tiziano Bevilacqua
  • Tong LI
  • Torbjörn Sjöstrand
  • Trisha Debnath
  • Ulrich GOERLACH
  • Ursula BASSLER
  • Valentina Cairo
  • Valerie Lang
  • Wrishik Naskar
  • Yevgeny Kats
  • Yicong Huang
  • yutong liu
  • Yves Sirois
  • Zhibo Wu
  • Zhijun Liang
  • Ziyu Dong
Valérie Brouillard, Emilie Bonnardel et Vincent Jourdain